Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Reading Schedule

Hi everyone,

We've finalized the schedule for our faculty and scholarship-recipient readings:

Saturday, 1 - 1:45pm: Bonnie Lee Black, Taos Resident scholar & Orlando White, Native Writer scholar

Monday, 1 - 2pm: D.H. Lawrence Fellow Philip Cioffari, Hispanic Writer Felicia Caton Garcia, Leo Love Merit Scholars Nancy Best & Marjorie Saiser, & A Room of Her Own recipient Wendy Miles

All of the following Masters Faculty readings, which are scheduled at lunchtime from 1 - 2pm, will begin with a 45-minute open mic:

Tuesday: Judith Van Gieson
Wednesday: Greg Martin
Thursday: Justin Cronin
Friday: Hilda Raz & John Dufresne

Finally, all of our other faculty readings will take place during weekday evenings, 5:30 - 6:30pm:

Pam Houston, Greg Glazer, Barbara Robinette Moss, & Robert Boswell

Anthony Doerr, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, Leslie Adrienne Miller, & Jesse Lee Kercheval

Laura Dave, Jeff Davis, Antonya Nelson, & Rob Wilder

We look forward to seeing everyone there!


  1. For the 45 minute Open Mics... what's the time limit per person?
    and would you be interested in an audio podcast?

  2. Are other people allowed to read?
